Conceive Naturally with Counselling & Blood Purification methods – No Medication & No Invasive procedure Needed

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Are you struggling with infertility and longing for the joy of motherhood? Conceive Naturally: Counselling & Blood Detox/Blood Purification Methods for Infertility – No Medications and No Invasive Treatment is  Needed…

Unlock Your Natural Pregnancy : Conceive Without Medications or Invasive Treatments

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Are you tired of going through several failed IVF treatments? detox your body to conceive Naturally


Benefits of this program

Our program offers a Holistic approach to Infertility, providing personalized Counseling, blood Detoxification, Hormonal Balance, Stress reduction, and Nutritional guidance, all aimed at helping you conceive Naturally without medications or invasive treatments.



How It Works?

Our approach integrates personalized counseling and blood detoxification to enhance reproductive health of both the couples and support natural conception, prioritizing hormonal balance and overall wellness. Through the blood purification method, we guide and support to  strengthen blood vessels and optimize circulation of oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste disposal, ensuring a pregnancy protected from congenital or genetic complications, and fostering a joyful, struggle-free journey for couples.


Detox Your Body and Mind for Optimal Reproductive and Holistic Health

Human Body


Understand your body and correct the imbalances


Healing the Root Causes for a Complication-Free Pregnancy


Embrace the Journey to Natural Conception: Experience the Joy of Motherhood

What you’ll learn from Master Class?

Creating awareness about fertility, educating on healthy habits, food choices for transformation through holistic practices to support reproductive health in men & women

Medicine -free,  Disease -free, using food as Medicine for Holistic Health & Fertility Health


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Msc Psychology Nursing (Rajiv Gandhi University)

Masters in Health Administration (Canada, Vancouver)

Diploma in Naturopathy India


42years/female [ Whitefield, Bangalore]
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"Dear Jaya and Team, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for changing my life. Before I found you, I was struggling with being overweight, knee pain, low energy, and emotional ups and downs. I couldn't sit or stand comfortably, and the thought of having a baby seemed impossible. But with your help, everything changed. Your advice on eating better and moving more made a huge difference. I lost weight, my knees stopped hurting, and I had more energy than ever before, my hair started growing back, my periods became regular, and my mood improved. But the best part is I'm thrilled to say that I'm expecting a baby, all thanks to you. Your support and encouragement have meant the world to me, and I'm forever grateful…..
45yrs/female Bangalore
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I was going through very tough time, before starting Jaya's program, my life was filled with fights.               I battled with fibroid uterus, size 9.0/, irregular periods, excess weight, and many of other health issues—almost 30 in total. I felt overwhelmed, unable to concentrate, and lost by depression. Breathing was a struggle, and I relied on numerous medications just to get through the day. But after nine months with Jaya, everything changed. Her program brought immense results that transformed my health and well-being. The size of my fibroids decreased significantly, and I experienced positive changes in my overall health. I feel lighter, more energized, and more focused than ever before. Jaya's guidance has been a lifeline, and I'm grateful for the incredible impact she's had on my life. Thanks from the bottom of heart….      
.49years/female.. Bangalore…
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I was suffering from unknown diseases, My blood test results were imbalanced, showing high ESR, low Hb, and low Vitamin B12 levels.  experienced hair loss, irregular periods, and constant tiredness, which made life difficult. Thanks to the advice I received on lifestyle disease prevention from jaya, I made changes to my daily habits. By eating better, exercising regularly, and managing stress, I saw amazing improvements. My blood tests became normal, my hair loss decreased, my periods became regular, and I felt more energetic. I'm grateful for the guidance that helped me take charge of my health.  lifestyle disease prevention program helped me, made a big difference…
27years/female.,Whitefield, Bangalore
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Thanks to jaya and team, Before meeting Jaya, my life was filled with struggles. Infertility, overweight, joint pain, thyroid issues, failed IVF cycles, irregular periods, depression, stiff joints, and dark pigmentations left me broken. The pressure from family and society only added to my pain. But thanks to Jaya's guidance, everything changed. In 2023, I conceived and gave birth to twins—a boy and a girl, support and knowledge were the guiding light that helped me overcome my challenges and fulfil my dream of becoming a parent. I am forever grateful…Love…..
27years/female.....Whitefield, Bangalore
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Thanks to jaya and team, Before meeting Jaya, my life was filled with struggles. Infertility, overweight, joint pain, thyroid issues, failed IVF cycles, irregular periods, depression, stiff joints, and dark pigmentations left me broken. The pressure from family and society only added to my pain. But thanks to Jaya's guidance, everything changed. In 2023, I conceived and gave birth to twins—a boy and a girl, support and knowledge were the guiding light that helped me overcome my challenges and fulfil my dream of becoming a parent. I am forever grateful…Love…..
42years/female [ Whitefield, Bangalore]
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"Dear Jaya and Team, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for changing my life. Before I found you, I was struggling with being overweight, knee pain, low energy, and emotional ups and downs. I couldn't sit or stand comfortably, and the thought of having a baby seemed impossible. But with your help, everything changed. Your advice on eating better and moving more made a huge difference. I lost weight, my knees stopped hurting, and I had more energy than ever before, my hair started growing back, my periods became regular, and my mood improved. But the best part is I'm thrilled to say that I'm expecting a baby, all thanks to you. Your support and encouragement have meant the world to me, and I'm forever grateful…..
45yrs/female Bangalore
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I was going through very tough time, before starting Jaya's program, my life was filled with fights.               I battled with fibroid uterus, size 9.0/, irregular periods, excess weight, and many of other health issues—almost 30 in total. I felt overwhelmed, unable to concentrate, and lost by depression. Breathing was a struggle, and I relied on numerous medications just to get through the day. But after nine months with Jaya, everything changed. Her program brought immense results that transformed my health and well-being. The size of my fibroids decreased significantly, and I experienced positive changes in my overall health. I feel lighter, more energized, and more focused than ever before. Jaya's guidance has been a lifeline, and I'm grateful for the incredible impact she's had on my life. Thanks from the bottom of heart….      
.49years/female.. Bangalore…
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I was suffering from unknown diseases, My blood test results were imbalanced, showing high ESR, low Hb, and low Vitamin B12 levels.  experienced hair loss, irregular periods, and constant tiredness, which made life difficult. Thanks to the advice I received on lifestyle disease prevention from jaya, I made changes to my daily habits. By eating better, exercising regularly, and managing stress, I saw amazing improvements. My blood tests became normal, my hair loss decreased, my periods became regular, and I felt more energetic. I'm grateful for the guidance that helped me take charge of my health.  lifestyle disease prevention program helped me, made a big difference…
Natural Conception

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Empower Fertility, Transform Lives: Overcome Infertility with End-to-End Personalized Coaching Support. 

Experience a Result-Based Roadmap for Overcoming Infertility and Achieving Sustainable Reproductive Health.

Disclaimer: Results vary based on multiple factors such as gender, age, genetics, Body type, activity factor & compliance on  instructions to follow to signifiant results, with postive mindset

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